Lead contamination in the cultivation of beet (beta vulgaris) in two production systems in Carapongo-Chosica





pollution, beet, lead, environmental quality standards, codex


The present study evaluated conventional and organic production systems of beet (beta vulgaris), irrigated with water from the lower basin of the Rímac River. Lead (Pb) levels were measured in water and soil at the beginning and end of cultivation, as well as in the edible part of the plant. The results showed that Pb concentrations in the water were within and above the Environmental Quality Standards (EQS) established by the current national standard. Concentrations in the soil exceeded the EQS. Finally, concentrations in the edible part, harvested at 75 days, ranged from 0.211 to 0.224 mg/kg for the conventional crop and 0.247 to 0.342 mg/kg for the organic crop, the latter reporting a higher value than the conventional crop. In both systems the Pb concentration exceeded the maximum permissible limit for consumer products, established in the Codex Standard 193-1995 for contaminants and toxins in food and feed, which is 0.1mg/kg. It was concluded that, despite the fact that they are different production systems, the Pb content exceeds the maximum permissible limits, which could be attributed to the water source that carries Pb and by reactions at the level of humic substances, favoring a greater accumulation in the organic system.


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How to Cite

Tena, K. E., & Cuellar Bautista, E. (2021). Lead contamination in the cultivation of beet (beta vulgaris) in two production systems in Carapongo-Chosica. Science and Practice, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.52109/cyp2021216