
  • First issue
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021)

    The Association of Environmental and Forestry Consultants and Professionals of Peru, before Asciación JOPPREM was created in 1993, today we are aware of our duty to leave a legacy for the new generations and therefore we decided to concentrate our best efforts to launch the first issue of the Journal Sciences and Practice ® dedicated to our founding partner, Omar Guillermo Flores Casafranca.

    In this current edition, we have the contribution of outstanding professionals whom we appreciate for joining us in this effort, where are developed with expertise, issues related to the recovery of ecosystem services, soil erosion control, bioaccumulation capacity of heavy metals by wild vegetation and a study on the demand for ecotourism services, which we are sure will be a valuable source of information for our readers.

  • Segundo número
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021)

    We are pleased to present this issue, which contains a study on beets, an agricultural product of important consumption and the lead contamination to which it may be subjected; this being an important contribution to the knowledge of environmental quality.
    Biodiversity is present in this publication, through an analysis of a latent problem in our national reality, which needs to be solved technically and politically, such as the search for land for cultivation versus the conservation of our biodiversity.
    In the same line, we present a valuable contribution to identify the factors that mainly affect one of the most recurrent forms of erosion in our country, such as water erosion.
    Finally, two articles related to fundamental aspects of human health; a study on the determination of the so valuable vitamin C in citrus fruits and a research where the ever present need for blood donation is analyzed within the context of the severe COVID 19 pandemic.
    Our journal Ciencia y Practica thanks the authors who have collaborated in this issue for their valuable contribution to our society.

  • Tercer número
    Vol. 2 No. 3 (2022)

    We are pleased to present this third issue of the Journal Ciencia y Practica, which fulfilling its role of disseminating various subjects of human knowledge, focuses particular interest in the educational theme. Three articles deal with this topic, self-regulated learning in higher education students in virtual scenarios, as well as the influence of digital tools on the emotional intelligence of preschool children are the result of important research, to which is added an investigation on educational intervention on intestinal parasitosis in parents of children from 3 to 5 years old.
    Two studies complement the issue, focused on the main topic of our previous issues, the environment.
    A study on the water quality of the Caldera River in Panama and opportunities for the use of forestry plantations complement this issue.
    We hope that the efforts of the authors and the editorial team will be well received by our readers.

  • Fourth issue
    Vol. 2 No. 4 (2022)

    En esta oportunidad presentamos el cuarto número de la Revista Ciencia y Practica, la cual cumpliendo con su rol alentar la investigación y la producción intelectual presenta dos artículos relacionados con temas ambientales, uno sobre el uso de la biomasa para la adsorción de cromo hexavalente y el otro sobre la conservación de humedales en Costa Rica.
    Complementando este lanzamiento se presentan dos artículos que tratan el tema educativo, uno aborda la neurociencia en el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje y el otro el impacto de la pandemia de SARS-CoV-2 en las emociones de los estudiantes.
    Cerrando este número exponemos un artículo relacionado con las ciencias de la salud, el cual nos habla sobre un estimulador magnético orientado a la cicatrización ósea.
    Agradecemos el esfuerzo de los autores, revisores y el equipo editorial, esperamos que los artículos presentados en este nuevo lanzamiento sean del agrado de nuestros lectores.

  • Quinto número
    Vol. 3 No. 5 (2023)

    In this fifth issue of the Revista Ciencia y Práctica, we continue to fulfill our role of disseminating the results of research conducted by individuals and entities that are dedicated to contributing to science. In this way we contribute to the dissemination of information, as part of the process of applying the scientific method and dissemination of knowledge. In this opportunity, we publish two articles related to natural resources: One of them deals with the insular ecosystems of the Solomon Islands in the continent of Oceania. Another deals with the management of water resources, specifically on the estimation of water consumption in urban multifamily dwellings.
    We close this publication with articles related to education. Two of them deal with the cooperative theme: the first, applied in the context of information and communication technology, and the second, to the pedagogical accompaniment of the directors of educational institutions to achieve their objectives. The third and last article deals with the importance of children's autonomy at the initial level, which is indispensable for their adequate personal development as citizens.
    We appreciate the efforts of the reviewers, the editorial team and especially the authors, whom we thank for their contribution to knowledge. We hope that the articles in this issue of the journal Ciencia y Práctica will be useful to our readers.

  • Sexto número
    Vol. 3 No. 6 (2023)

    Nos complace presentar en esta edición una variada selección de artículos que abarcan diversas áreas del conocimiento científico. 

    El primer artículo examina la relación entre la salud bucal y la calidad de vida en un sector vulnerable de Lima, aportando evidencia sobre la importancia de la atención odontológica.
    El segundo artículo analiza un tema clave para el manejo forestal sostenible: el tamaño óptimo de parcelas de inventario en bosques secos del norte peruano. Sus hallazgos pueden guiar mejores prácticas en este ecosistema frágil.
    Pasando a las ciencias sociales, el tercer artículo presenta un riguroso análisis econométrico de la productividad laboral y competitividad logística del Perú en comparación con otros países latinoamericanos en la última década. Sus conclusiones resultan relevantes para las políticas públicas.
    En el ámbito de la salud, el cuarto artículo aporta nueva evidencia sobre los efectos del consumo de huevo en el desarrollo muscular, un tema de interés para deportistas y nutricionistas.
    Finalmente, el quinto artículo ofrece una oportuna reflexión sobre el rol de la COP y los retos globales del desarrollo sostenible, aportando una visión política y sociológica a nuestra edición.

    Esperamos que estos trabajos estimulen el debate científico y promuevan nuevas investigaciones en sus respectivos campos. Agradecemos a los autores por compartir sus hallazgos en nuestras páginas. 

  • Septimo número
    Vol. 4 No. 7 (2024)

    En these times, the dissemination of information in digital form has a significant impact on readers globally. The journal "Ciencia y Práctica" welcomes all authors of articles that we consider may be of interest to a specific group of readers, as well as to society in general. The published articles can range from scientific to opinion pieces, all sharing the intention of raising awareness about current issues and opportunities for improving human activity. The aim is also to encourage research and intellectual production among professionals and other specialists.